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Ministering to The Lord

Boom!  The sound of a cannon going off echoes around the lake that my squad and I are living at.  We have come to be familiar with this sound as it goes off from every half hour to an hour.  But this sound isn't just to tell us what time it is, considering it's been known to go off every half an hour, but it's to send off the evil spirits that are located at our lake and to welcome the presence of The Lord.

These past two weeks, ministry has been looking really different for my squad and I.  We haven't been out in the community, we haven't been going to local churches or hospitals, and we haven't made a huge impact in the small San Juan village that we are living at, but we have seen something big happen.  Our ministry has been each other, and ministering to The Lord.  We have seen a new revival in ourselves and each other.
These past 2 and a half months have been really hard.  The enemy saw 60 people stand up and say they want to serve The Lord, so the enemy wasn't happy with that, and decided to attack us in every way possible.  We have had sickness, people leave the squad, we had a 12 hour notice that we would be switching countries, and then I can't even begin to tell you how many  times we have had to relocate and make a new place our new "home".  As a squad, we have had to face some heavy things and continue to be in a state of uncertainty.   What's crazy was that The Lord knew that all of this was going to happen to us, and He knew that it was going to break our squad down and us individually.  He also knows that in our future we are going to have hard times again and again.  He is such a gracious God, that He gave us about 3 weeks to spend time with Him, and to spend time with each other.  Our ministry has been seeing what God has in store for us.  
We have been able to shot off our cannon as a squad and send the enemy fleeing, while we welcome back the presence of The Lord.  Many of us have had new revivals started in our hearts, and have fallen more and more in love with our Father.  There have been many tears shed through out our squad.  There was one point where I was laying on my bed thinking to myself and praying to God "I didn't sign up for this.  It's not supposed to be this hard."  At that point, He was teaching me that He is my perfect Father, and He has my life planned out, and He is going to grow me in unimaginable ways these next 7 months, and even past that.  Jesus knew that our squad was going to need a time period where we needed to be united again, and He was gracious and gave us that.  We were able to make relationships with the people that live here, and prove that we aren't tourists, but our biggest ministry was to our Father.