In Janurary a speaker at my old chruch gave us this phrase: "Give Jesus your routine in 2013". He really encouraged us to take it to heart and aply it to our lives. It took me a little bit to get started with it, but starting in March I decided to give Jesus my routine. Everyday I did a devotion and had special time with him. (This normally involved coffee). This past week, I had a morning shift at work, which is very unsual. The night before I set my alarm an hour before I needed to get ready so I could have my coffee date with God. Little did I know that I was going to push the snooze button 4 times (that's equivalent to 40 minutes). I honestly had no motivatoin to get going and begin my day. When I finally did get my motivation, I realized that I had 30 minutes to get ready. Thankfully I was able to squeeze my shower, making breakfast, and getting ready for work in that amount of time. On the way down to work, I felt like I was missing something. I had my debit card, I had my uniform on instead of my normal clothes, I had my purse, I had my wallet, and I had my Ipod and phone. I couldn't figure what I was missing. (I even had my coffee) When I started my shift I realized that I wasn't the normal happy, easy going, people loving Jess. I was constantly angry, I had a horrible time with a customer who couldn't speak English very well, I had a family walk down my department and trash it, and I was even frusterated with my coworkers and managers. I was doing my job, but I was short with the customers and I wasn't helping them as much as I normally do. Thankfully my lunch break came before I could do anymore damage. Instead of going back to the lunch room, I took my food over to a Starbucks to get away from Walmart, and pout a little. After thowing my tantrum and yelling at no one in my car, I found my bible and decided to eat my lunch in Starbucks. I then opened up to Romans 8: 38-39: "For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the futuer, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to sperate us from the love of Gd that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." I then realized at God loves me at all times, even if I do throw tantrums and don't do my best at work. As followers of Jesus (Christians) it's our job to love people, even if we have our bad days. If nothing can sperate my from my Creator, then it's my job to show others that as well: nothing can sperate others from the love of their Creator. I then realized that I honestly can't go a day without spending time with Jesus. I NEED to give him my day in the morning. I realize that I change so much if I don't spend half an hour with him. I become this grumpy, mad, and furious Jess that doesn't show the joy that God gives me.
I’m working on this now… you are very wise for your age. 🙂