About 2 weeks ago, half of our squad went to a new ministry site for a month. My team and I were one of the 4 teams that left our original ministry site. We woke up at the crack of dawn, took two busses and a taxi to our new ministry site, Heart of Christ ministry. These past two weeks have been unbelievable! We have 4 teams. Every two days we are assigned a new ministry. First, we had house work. It was our job to watch the babies, toddlers, take care of the two special needs kids, help make lunch and dinner,do 3 rounds of dishes,make sure everyone stays healthy, clean the bathrooms (which is really hard when you don't have rain water to flush the toilets with), and burn the trash. We then did construction for 6 days. For two days, we built a new dorm building on-top of the roof. We mixed concrete by hand, hauled sand, water, and concrete up stairs countless times. We even hauled mass amounts bricks up those stairs. We will be buff by the end of this month here. We then headed out back and built a canal. We emptied our ditch of water multiple times throughout the day. (The cause of this would be people doing laundry and not realizing that their water was into our canal. And then when it rains, it's not just a drizzle. It's a mass of water falling from the sky.) We've hauled sand, water, concrete, and bricks down a muddy and poopy trail, and have been attacked by who knows how many mosquitos and spiders. Then, we were the "float team" for two days. The first day, we traveled an hour to two different school to talk about domestic violence, how to avoid teenage pregnancies, and how to avoid assault. The second day, we mainly had rest. We helped out construction teams by hauling, once again, sand, water, bricks, and concrete. We made concrete by hand, and even sifted a huge pile of gravel and sand.
Our ministry is ran by a married couple. When they first came here, they never expected to run a ministry where they would have a home for women who are victims of kidnapping, human trafficking, rape, and incest. There are 3 babies, who are the results of rape and incest, 3 toddlers, two of them who's mothers abandoned them, and 1 who had a tumor more than half the size of his body who was expected to die, but is happily running around with the other boys. There are 2 girls who live here, and 1 who is temporary living here. She was a victim of kidnapping. There are also two special needs girls who light up this place with their smiles.
This has become our new home. We have faced many challenges already, but are continuing to grow together and relying on The Lord for everything. Ministry looks different around here, but it doesn't matter what your doing, if your doing it to serve The Lord, then you are doing ministry.